/* Cadabra: a field-theory motivated computer algebra system. Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Kasper Peeters This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Storage.hh" #include "Combinatorics.hh" #include "Exceptions.hh" #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG 1 namespace cadabra { nset_t name_set; rset_t rat_set; long to_long(multiplier_t mul) { return mul.get_num().get_si(); } double to_double(multiplier_t mul) { return mul.get_d(); } std::string to_string(long num) { std::ostringstream str; str << num; return str.str(); } // Expression constructor/destructor members. Ex::Ex() : tree(), state_(result_t::l_no_action) { } Ex::Ex(tree::iterator it) : tree(it), state_(result_t::l_no_action) { } Ex::Ex(const str_node& x) : tree(x), state_(result_t::l_no_action) { } Ex::Ex(const Ex& other) : std::enable_shared_from_this(other), tree(other), state_(result_t::l_no_action) { // std::cout << "Ex copy constructor" << std::endl; } Ex& Ex::operator=(Ex other) { std::swap(static_cast&>(*this), static_cast&>(other)); std::swap((*this).state_, other.state_); std::swap((*this).history, other.history); std::swap((*this).terms, other.terms); return *this; } Ex::Ex(const std::string& str) : state_(result_t::l_no_action) { set_head(str_node(str)); } Ex::Ex(int val) : state_(result_t::l_no_action) { set_head(str_node("1")); multiply(begin()->multiplier, val); } Ex::Ex(float val) : state_(result_t::l_no_action) { std::ostringstream str; str << val; set_head(str_node(str.str())); } Ex::result_t Ex::state() const { return state_; } void Ex::update_state(Ex::result_t newstate) { switch(newstate) { case Ex::result_t::l_error: state_=newstate; break; case Ex::result_t::l_applied: if(state_!=Ex::result_t::l_error) state_=newstate; break; default: break; } } void Ex::reset_state() { state_=Ex::result_t::l_checkpointed; } bool Ex::changed_state() { bool ret=false; if(state_==result_t::l_checkpointed || state_==result_t::l_applied) ret=true; state_=result_t::l_no_action; return ret; } bool Ex::is_rational() const { if(begin()!=end()) if(begin()->is_rational()) return true; return false; } multiplier_t Ex::to_rational() const { if(!is_rational()) throw InternalError("Called to_rational() on non-rational Ex"); return *(begin()->multiplier); } bool Ex::is_integer() const { if(begin()!=end()) if(begin()->is_integer()) return true; return false; } long Ex::to_integer() const { if(!is_integer()) throw InternalError("Called to_integer() on non-integer Ex"); return to_long(*(begin()->multiplier)); } bool Ex::is_empty() const { return begin()==end(); } std::ostream& Ex::print_python(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { std::string name(*(*it).name); std::string res; if(*it->multiplier!=1) str << *it->multiplier; for(unsigned int i=0; i"; break; case str_node::b_none: { if((*beg).fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_none) str << ")"; else str << "}"; } break; default: break; } } ++beg; } return str; } std::ostream& Ex::print_repr(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) const { str << *it->name; sibling_iterator sib=it.begin(); while(sib!=it.end()) { print_repr(str, sib); ++sib; } return str; } std::ostream& Ex::print_recursive_treeform(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { unsigned int num=1; switch((*it).fl.parent_rel) { case str_node::p_super: str << "^"; break; case str_node::p_sub: str << "_"; break; case str_node::p_property: str << "$"; break; case str_node::p_exponent: str << "&"; break; default: break; } return print_recursive_treeform(str, it, num); } std::ostream& Ex::print_entire_tree(std::ostream& str) const { sibling_iterator sib=begin(); unsigned int num=1; while(sib!=end()) { print_recursive_treeform(str, sib, num); ++sib; ++num; } return str; } std::ostream& Ex::print_recursive_treeform(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, unsigned int& num) { bool compact_tree=getenv("CDB_COMPACTTREE"); Ex::sibling_iterator beg=it.begin(); Ex::sibling_iterator fin=it.end(); if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_round) str << "("; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_square) str << "["; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_curly) str << "\\{"; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_pointy) str << "\\<"; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_none) str << "{"; // if((*it).fl.mark) str << "\033[1m"; str << *(*it).name; // if((*it).fl.mark) str << "\033[0m"; if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_round) str << ")"; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_square) str << "]"; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_curly) str << "\\}"; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_pointy) str << "\\>"; else if((*it).fl.bracket ==str_node::b_none) str << "}"; if(*it->multiplier!=multiplier_t(1)) { if(compact_tree) str << "#" << *it->multiplier; else str << " " << *it->multiplier; } // str << " (" << calc_hash(it) << ")"; // str << " (" << depth(it) << ")"; // str << " (" << it->fl.bracket << " " << &(*it) << ")"; // str << " (" << it->fl.bracket << " " << it.node << ")"; if(!compact_tree) str << std::endl; while(beg!=fin) { int offset=1; if(num && !compact_tree) { str << std::setw(3) << num << ":"; offset=1; } if(!compact_tree) for(int i=offset; iname << std::endl << std::flush; assert(is_valid(it)); while(*it->name!=nm /* && it->is_command()==false */) { it=parent(it); assert(is_valid(it)); // std::cout << " !!" << *it->name << std::endl << std::flush; } // std::cout << " out" << std::endl; return it; } Ex::iterator Ex::erase_expression(Ex::iterator it) { it=named_parent(it, "\\history"); return erase(it); } hashval_t Ex::calc_hash(iterator it) const { // Hash values do not contain info about the multiplier field, // nor do they know about the type of the links (FIXME: is the latter // the correct thing to do?) // // If this algorithm is changed, factorise::calc_restricted_hash in // core/algorithms/factor_in.cc should also be modified! iterator end=it; end.skip_children(); ++end; it.skip_children(false); hashval_t seed = 0; while(it!=end) { boost::hash_combine(seed, *it->name); ++it; } return seed; } Ex::sibling_iterator Ex::arg(iterator it, unsigned int num) { if(*it->name=="\\comma") { assert(Ex::number_of_children(it)>num); return Ex::child(it,num); } else return it; } unsigned int Ex::arg_size(sibling_iterator sib) { if(*sib->name=="\\comma") return Ex::number_of_children(sib); else return 1; } multiplier_t Ex::arg_to_num(sibling_iterator sib, unsigned int num) const { sibling_iterator nod; if(*sib->name=="\\comma") nod=child(sib,num); else nod=sib; return *nod->multiplier; } unsigned int Ex::equation_number(Ex::iterator it) const { iterator historynode=named_parent(it, "\\history"); unsigned int num=0; iterator sit=begin(); // long totravel=0; while(sit!=end()) { // ++totravel; if(*sit->name=="\\history") { ++num; if(historynode==sit) { // txtout << "had to travel " << totravel << std::endl; return num; } } sit.skip_children(); ++sit; } return 0; } nset_t::iterator Ex::equation_label(Ex::iterator it) const { nset_t::iterator ret=name_set.end(); iterator sit=begin(); while(sit!=end()) { if(*sit->name=="\\history") { if(it==sit) goto found; iterator eit=begin(sit); iterator endit=sit; endit.skip_children(); ++endit; while(eit!=endit) { if(it==eit) goto found; ++eit; } sit.skip_children(); } ++sit; } found: if(sit!=end()) { sibling_iterator lit=begin(sit); while(lit!=end(sit)) { if(*lit->name=="\\label") { ret=begin(lit)->name; break; } ++lit; } } return ret; } // Always returns the \\history node of the equation (i.e. the top node). Ex::iterator Ex::equation_by_number(unsigned int i) const { iterator it=begin(); unsigned int num=1; while(it!=end()) { if(*it->name=="\\history") { if(num==i) return it; else ++num; } it.skip_children(); ++it; } return it; // if(num==number_of_siblings(begin())) // return end(); // return it; } Ex::iterator Ex::equation_by_name(nset_t::iterator nit) const { unsigned int tmp; return equation_by_name(nit, tmp); } Ex::iterator Ex::equation_by_name(nset_t::iterator nit, unsigned int& tmp) const { unsigned int num=0; iterator it=begin(); while(it!=end()) { if(*it->name=="\\history") { ++num; sibling_iterator lit=begin(it); while(lit!=end(it)) { if(*lit->name=="\\label") { if(begin(lit)->name==nit) { tmp=num; return it; } } ++lit; } } it.skip_children(); ++it; } return end(); } bool Ex::is_hidden(iterator it) const { do { if(*it->name=="\\ldots") return true; if(is_head(it)) break; it=parent(it); } while(true); return false; } Ex::iterator Ex::procedure_by_name(nset_t::iterator nit) const { iterator it=begin(); while(it!=end()) { if(*it->name=="\\procedure") { sibling_iterator lit=begin(it); while(lit!=end(it)) { if(*lit->name=="\\label") { if(begin(lit)->name==nit) return it; } ++lit; } } it.skip_children(); ++it; } return end(); } Ex::iterator Ex::replace_index(iterator pos, const iterator& from, bool keep_parent_rel) { // assert(pos->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub || pos->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super); str_node::bracket_t bt=pos->fl.bracket; str_node::parent_rel_t pr=pos->fl.parent_rel; iterator ret=replace(pos, from); ret->fl.bracket=bt; if(keep_parent_rel) ret->fl.parent_rel=pr; return ret; } Ex::iterator Ex::move_index(iterator pos, const iterator& from) { // assert(pos->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub || pos->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super); str_node::bracket_t bt=pos->fl.bracket; str_node::parent_rel_t pr=pos->fl.parent_rel; move_ontop(pos, from); from->fl.bracket=bt; from->fl.parent_rel=pr; return from; } void Ex::list_wrap_single_element(iterator& it) { if(*it->name!="\\comma") { iterator commanode=insert(it, str_node("\\comma")); sibling_iterator fr=it, to=it; ++to; reparent(commanode, fr, to); it=commanode; } } void Ex::list_unwrap_single_element(iterator& it) { if(*it->name=="\\comma") { if(number_of_children(it)==1) { flatten(it); it=erase(it); } } } Ex::iterator Ex::flatten_and_erase(iterator pos) { // assert(number_of_children(pos)==1); multiplier_t tmp=*pos->multiplier; flatten(pos); pos=erase(pos); multiply(pos->multiplier, tmp); return pos; } unsigned int Ex::number_of_equations() const { unsigned int last_eq=0; iterator eq=begin(); while(eq!=end()) { if(*eq->name=="\\history") ++last_eq; eq.skip_children(); ++eq; } return last_eq; } Ex::iterator Ex::equation_by_number_or_name(iterator it, unsigned int last_used_equation, unsigned int& real_eqno) const { iterator ret; if(it->is_rational()) { int eqno=static_cast(it->multiplier->get_d()); real_eqno=eqno; ret=equation_by_number(eqno); } else { if(*it->name=="%") { ret=equation_by_number(last_used_equation); real_eqno=last_used_equation; } else { ret=equation_by_name(it->name, real_eqno); } } return ret; } Ex::iterator Ex::equation_by_number_or_name(iterator it, unsigned int last_used_equation) const { unsigned int tmp; return equation_by_number_or_name(it, last_used_equation, tmp); } std::string Ex::equation_number_or_name(iterator it, unsigned int last_used_equation) const { std::stringstream ss; if(it->is_rational()) { int eqno=static_cast(it->multiplier->get_d()); ss << eqno; } else { if(*it->name=="%") ss << last_used_equation; else ss << *it->name; } return ss.str(); } bool Ex::operator==(const Ex& other) const { return equal_subtree(begin(), other.begin()); } // bool Ex::operator<(const Ex& other) const // { // Ex::iterator_base_less less; // return less(begin(), other.begin()); // } void Ex::push_history(const std::vector& paths) { history.push_back(*this); terms.push_back(paths); } std::vector Ex::pop_history() { tree::operator=(history.back()); history.pop_back(); auto ret(terms.back()); terms.pop_back(); return ret; } int Ex::history_size() const { return history.size(); } str_node::str_node(void) { multiplier=rat_set.insert(1).first; // fl.modifier=m_none; fl.bracket=b_none; fl.parent_rel=p_none; // fl.mark=0; } str_node::str_node(nset_t::iterator nm, bracket_t br, parent_rel_t pr) { multiplier=rat_set.insert(1).first; name=nm; // fl.modifier=m_none; fl.bracket=br; fl.parent_rel=pr; // fl.mark=0; } str_node::str_node(const std::u32string& nm, bracket_t br, parent_rel_t pr) { #ifdef _MSC_VER std::wstring_convert, int32_t> conv; auto p = reinterpret_cast(nm.data()); std::string nm8 = conv.to_bytes(p, p + nm.size()); #else std::wstring_convert, char32_t> conv; std::string nm8=conv.to_bytes(nm); #endif #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "str_node: " << nm8 << std::endl; #endif multiplier=rat_set.insert(1).first; name=name_set.insert(nm8).first; // fl.modifier=m_none; fl.bracket=br; fl.parent_rel=pr; } str_node::str_node(const std::string& nm, bracket_t br, parent_rel_t pr) { multiplier=rat_set.insert(1).first; name=name_set.insert(nm).first; // fl.modifier=m_none; fl.bracket=br; fl.parent_rel=pr; // fl.mark=0; } void str_node::flip_parent_rel() { if(fl.parent_rel==p_super) fl.parent_rel=p_sub; else if(fl.parent_rel==p_sub) fl.parent_rel=p_super; else throw std::logic_error("flip_parent_rel called on non-index"); } bool str_node::is_zero() const { if(*multiplier==0) return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_identity() const { if(*name=="1" && *multiplier==1) return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_rational() const { return (*name=="1"); } bool str_node::is_integer() const { if(*name=="1") { if(multiplier->get_den()==1) return true; } return false; } bool str_node::is_unsimplified_rational() const { if((*name).size()==0) return false; for(unsigned int i=0; i<(*name).size(); ++i) { if(!isdigit((*name)[i]) && (*name)[i]!='/' && (*name)[i]!='-') return false; } return true; } bool str_node::is_unsimplified_integer() const { if((*name).size()==0) return false; for(unsigned int i=0; i<(*name).size(); ++i) { if(!isdigit((*name)[i]) && (*name)[i]!='-') return false; } return true; } bool str_node::is_index() const { if(fl.parent_rel==p_sub || fl.parent_rel==p_super) return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_quoted_string() const { if((*name).size()<2) return false; if((*name)[0]!='\"') return false; if((*name)[(*name).size()-1]!='\"') return false; return true; } bool str_node::is_command() const { if((*name).size()>0) if((*name)[0]=='@') { if((*name).size()>1) { if((*name)[1]!='@') return true; } else return true; } return false; } bool str_node::is_inert_command() const { if((*name).size()>1) if((*name)[0]=='@') if((*name)[1]=='@') return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_name_wildcard() const { if((*name).size()>0) if((*name)[name->size()-1]=='?') { if(name->size()>1) { if((*name)[name->size()-2]!='?') return true; } else return true; } return false; } bool str_node::is_object_wildcard() const { if((*name).size()>1) if((*name)[name->size()-1]=='?') if((*name)[name->size()-2]=='?') return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_range_wildcard() const { if(name->size()>0) { if((*name)[0]=='#') return true; } return false; } bool str_node::is_siblings_wildcard() const { if(name->size()>0) { if((*name)[name->size()-1]=='@') return true; } return false; } bool str_node::is_autodeclare_wildcard() const { if(name->size()>0) if((*name)[name->size()-1]=='#') return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_indexstar_wildcard() const { if((*name).size()>1) if((*name)[name->size()-1]=='?') if((*name)[name->size()-2]=='*') return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_indexplus_wildcard() const { if((*name).size()>1) if((*name)[name->size()-1]=='?') if((*name)[name->size()-2]=='+') return true; return false; } bool str_node::is_numbered_symbol() const { int len=(*name).size(); if(len>1) if(isdigit((*name)[len-1])) return true; return false; } nset_t::iterator str_node::name_only() { if(is_name_wildcard()) { std::string tmp=(*name).substr(0, name->size()-1); return name_set.insert(tmp).first; } else if(is_object_wildcard()) { std::string tmp=(*name).substr(0, name->size()-2); return name_set.insert(tmp).first; } else if(is_autodeclare_wildcard()) { size_t pos=name->find('#'); std::string tmp=(*name).substr(0, pos); return name_set.insert(tmp).first; } else if(is_numbered_symbol()) { size_t pos=name->find_first_of("0123456789"); std::string tmp=(*name).substr(0, pos); return name_set.insert(tmp).first; } return name; } bool str_node::operator==(const str_node& other) const { if(*name==*other.name && fl.bracket==other.fl.bracket && fl.parent_rel==other.fl.parent_rel && multiplier==other.multiplier) return true; else return false; } bool str_node::compare_names_only(const str_node& one, const str_node& two) { if(one.name==two.name) return true; else return false; } bool str_node::compare_name_brack_par(const str_node& one, const str_node& two) { if(one.name==two.name && one.fl.bracket==two.fl.bracket && one.fl.parent_rel==two.fl.parent_rel) return true; else return false; } bool str_node::compare_name_inverse_par(const str_node& one, const str_node& two) { if(one.name==two.name && ( (one.fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super && two.fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub) || (one.fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub && two.fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super))) return true; return false; } bool nset_it_less::operator()(nset_t::iterator first, nset_t::iterator second) const { if(*first < *second) return true; return false; } void multiply(rset_t::iterator& num, multiplier_t fac) { fac*=*num; fac.canonicalize(); num=rat_set.insert(fac).first; } void set(rset_t::iterator& num, multiplier_t fac) { fac.canonicalize(); num=rat_set.insert(fac).first; } void add(rset_t::iterator& num, multiplier_t fac) { fac+=*num; fac.canonicalize(); num=rat_set.insert(fac).first; } void zero(rset_t::iterator& num) { num=rat_set.insert(0).first; } void one(rset_t::iterator& num) { num=rat_set.insert(1).first; } void flip_sign(rset_t::iterator& num) { multiplier_t fac=-(*num); fac.canonicalize(); num=rat_set.insert(fac).first; } void half(rset_t::iterator& num) { multiplier_t fac=(*num)/2; fac.canonicalize(); num=rat_set.insert(fac).first; } bool str_node::operator<(const cadabra::str_node& other) const { if(*name<*other.name) return true; if(*name==*other.name && *multiplier<*other.multiplier) return true; return false; } } // Keep operator overloading outside of the cadabra namespace. std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const cadabra::Ex& ex) { if(ex.begin()==ex.end()) return str; ex.print_recursive_treeform(str, ex.begin()); // ex.print_python(str, ex.begin()); return str; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, cadabra::Ex::iterator it) { cadabra::Ex::print_recursive_treeform(str, it); // ex.print_python(str, ex.begin()); return str; }