/* Cadabra: a field-theory motivated computer algebra system. Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Kasper Peeters This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Parser.hh" #include "PreProcessor.hh" #include "Symbols.hh" #include #include #include #include // #define DEBUG 1 std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& str, cadabra::Parser& pa) { std::string inp; while(std::getline(str >> std::ws, inp)) { // FIXME: This should all have been done in the manipulator, but when we // read the default settings from a string the input here is more than // just one line. if(inp[inp.size()-1]=='.') inp=inp.substr(0,inp.size()-1); // std::cout << "[" << inp << "]" << std::endl; #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << inp << std::endl; #endif pa.string2tree(inp); } // Remove the expression head. pa.finalise(); return str; } using namespace cadabra; //std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, Parser& pa) // { // Ex_output eo(pa.tree); // eo.print_infix(str, pa.tree.begin()); // return str; // } str_node::bracket_t Parser::is_closing_bracket(const char32_t& br) const { if(br==')') return str_node::b_none; if(br==']') return str_node::b_square; if(br=='}') return str_node::b_none; if(br=='}'+128) return str_node::b_curly; if(br=='>'+128) return str_node::b_pointy; return str_node::b_no; } str_node::bracket_t Parser::is_opening_bracket(const char32_t& br) const { if(br=='(') return str_node::b_none; if(br=='[') return str_node::b_square; if(br=='{') return str_node::b_none; if(br=='{'+128) return str_node::b_curly; if(br=='<'+128) return str_node::b_pointy; return str_node::b_no; } str_node::parent_rel_t Parser::is_link(const char32_t& ln) const { if(ln=='^') return str_node::p_super; if(ln=='_') return str_node::p_sub; if(ln=='$') return str_node::p_property; if(ln=='&') return str_node::p_exponent; return str_node::p_none; } Parser::Parser() { tree = std::make_shared(); tree->set_head(str_node("\\expression", str_node::b_none, str_node::p_none)); parts=tree->begin(); } Parser::Parser(std::shared_ptr t) : tree(t) { tree->clear(); tree->set_head(str_node("\\expression", str_node::b_none, str_node::p_none)); parts=tree->begin(); } Parser::Parser(std::shared_ptr t, const std::string& str) : tree(t) { tree->clear(); tree->set_head(str_node("\\expression", str_node::b_none, str_node::p_none)); parts=tree->begin(); string2tree(str); finalise(); } void Parser::erase() { str.clear(); tree->clear(); tree->insert(tree->begin(), str_node("\\expression", str_node::b_none, str_node::p_none)); parts=tree->begin(); current_mode.clear(); current_bracket.clear(); current_parent_rel.clear(); } void Parser::remove_empty_nodes() { Ex::iterator it=tree->begin(); while(it!=tree->end()) { if((*it->name).size()==0) { tree->flatten(it); it=tree->erase(it); } ++it; } } void Parser::finalise() { if(tree->is_valid(tree->begin())==false) return; if(*(tree->begin()->name)=="\\expression") { tree->flatten(tree->begin()); tree->erase(tree->begin()); } } void Parser::advance(unsigned int& i) { // if(get_token(i)>128) ++i; ++i; } char32_t Parser::get_token(unsigned int i) { if(str[i]=='\\') if(is_opening_bracket(str[i+1])!=str_node::b_no || is_closing_bracket(str[i+1])!=str_node::b_no) return str[i+1]+128; return str[i]; } bool Parser::string2tree(const std::string& inp) { if(inp.size()==0 || inp[0]=='#' || inp[0]=='%') return true; // Run the preprocessor. #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "running preprocessor" << std::endl; #endif std::stringstream ss(inp), ss2; preprocessor pp; ss >> pp; #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "running preprocessor done" << std::endl; #endif ss2 << pp; std::string str8=" "+ss2.str()+" "; // for lookahead #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "converting Greek unicode to TeX" << std::endl; #endif for (auto const& c : cadabra::symbols::greekmap) { size_t pos1 = 0; size_t pos2; while ((pos2 = str8.find(c.second, pos1)) != std::string::npos) { str8.replace(pos2, c.second.length(), c.first); pos1 = pos2 + c.first.length(); } } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "converting to utf32" << std::endl; #endif utf_converter conv; str=conv.to_utf32(str8); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "converted to utf32" << std::endl; for(int i=0; i(current_mode.back()) << std::endl; #endif switch(current_mode.back()) { case m_skipwhite: // std::cerr << "m_skipwhite" << " " << c << std::endl; if(c!=' ' && c!='\n') current_mode.pop_back(); else advance(i); break; case m_name: { // std::cerr << "m_name" << " " << c << std::endl; if(is_opening_bracket(c)!=str_node::b_no || ( is_link(c)!=str_node::p_none && ( tmp.size()==0 || !((tmp.size()>3 && tmp[0]!='\\' && is_opening_bracket(get_token(i+1))==str_node::b_no) || tmp[0]=='@' || (tmp[0]=='\\' && tmp[1]=='@'))) )) { // Note: the funky look-ahead above is to handle expressions of the form // somethinglong_{m}, which should trigger a child node, and // somethinglong_m, which should *not* (anything with more than 3 characters, // not started with a '\', followed by an underscore, is assumed to be // a python function. current_parent=tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, current_bracket.back(), current_parent_rel.back())); current_mode.push_back(m_findchildren); tmp.clear(); break; } if(is_closing_bracket(c)!=str_node::b_no) { if(tmp.size()>0) { tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, current_bracket.back(), current_parent_rel.back())); tmp.clear(); } current_mode.pop_back(); break; } if(tmp.size()>0) { if(c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='*' || c=='/' || c=='\\' || c==' ' || c=='\n') { tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, current_bracket.back(), current_parent_rel.back())); tmp.clear(); if(c==' ' || c=='\n') advance(i); current_mode.pop_back(); break; } } if(c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='*' || c=='/') { tmp+=c; tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, current_bracket.back(), current_parent_rel.back())); tmp.clear(); advance(i); current_mode.pop_back(); break; } assert(c!=' ' && c!='\n'); tmp+=c; advance(i); if(c=='\"') current_mode.push_back(m_verbatim); break; } case m_findchildren: { // std::cerr << "m_findchildren" << " " << c << std::endl; str_node::parent_rel_t pr=is_link(c); if(pr!=str_node::p_none) { advance(i); int cc=get_token(i); str_node::bracket_t br=is_opening_bracket(cc); if(br!=str_node::b_no) { current_bracket.push_back(br); current_parent_rel.push_back(pr); current_mode.push_back(m_childgroup); advance(i); } else { current_bracket.push_back(str_node::b_none); current_parent_rel.push_back(pr); if(pr==str_node::p_property) current_mode.push_back(m_property); else { // A '^' or '_' immediately followed by text, without bracket. // std::cerr << tmp[0] << std::endl; current_mode.push_back(m_singlecharname); } } break; } else { str_node::bracket_t br=is_opening_bracket(c); if(br!=str_node::b_no) { current_bracket.push_back(br); current_parent_rel.push_back(str_node::p_none); current_mode.push_back(m_childgroup); advance(i); break; } else { current_mode.pop_back(); current_mode.push_back(m_skipwhite); current_parent=tree->parent(current_parent); // advance(i); break; } } break; } case m_singlecharname: // This is for names 'a' or '\aaa' that appear as (...)^a // or (...)^\aaa . // std::cerr << "m_singlecharname" << " " << c << std::endl; tmp+=c; if(c=='\\') { current_mode.pop_back(); current_mode.push_back(m_backslashname); advance(i); break; } else { tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, str_node::b_none, /* current_bracket.back(), */ current_parent_rel.back())); advance(i); tmp.clear(); current_mode.pop_back(); current_bracket.pop_back(); current_parent_rel.pop_back(); break; } case m_property: // properties do not need brackets if(c==' ' || c=='\n') { current_mode.pop_back(); current_bracket.pop_back(); current_parent_rel.pop_back(); current_parent=tree->parent(current_parent); } else if(is_opening_bracket(c)) { if(tmp.size()>0) { current_parent=tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, current_bracket.back(), current_parent_rel.back())); } current_mode.push_back(m_childgroup); } advance(i); tmp+=c; break; case m_verbatim: if(c=='\"') current_mode.pop_back(); tmp+=c; advance(i); break; case m_backslashname: // std::cerr << "m_backslashname" << " " << c << std::endl; if(c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\\' || is_link(c)!=str_node::p_none || is_closing_bracket(c)!=str_node::b_no) { current_mode.pop_back(); tree->append_child(current_parent,str_node(tmp, current_bracket.back(), current_parent_rel.back())); tmp.clear(); break; } tmp+=c; advance(i); if(c=='\"') current_mode.push_back(m_verbatim); break; case m_childgroup: // std::cerr << "m_childgroup" << " " << c << std::endl; if(is_closing_bracket(c)!=str_node::b_no) { // std::cerr << "leaving group" << std::endl; current_mode.pop_back(); current_bracket.pop_back(); current_parent_rel.pop_back(); advance(i); break; } else { current_mode.push_back(m_name); current_mode.push_back(m_skipwhite); break; } break; case m_initialgroup: current_mode.push_back(m_name); current_mode.push_back(m_skipwhite); break; } } return true; } bool Parser::is_number(const std::u32string& str) const { for(unsigned int i=0; i