#include "IndexClassifier.hh" #include "IndexIterator.hh" #include "Exceptions.hh" #include "Kernel.hh" #include "properties/Symbol.hh" #include "properties/Coordinate.hh" #include "properties/IndexInherit.hh" #include // #define DEBUG 1 using namespace cadabra; IndexClassifier::IndexClassifier(const Kernel& k) : kernel(k) { } // For each iterator in the original map, find the sequential position of the index. // That is, the index 'd' has position '3' in A_{a b} C_{c} D_{d}. // WARNING: expensive operation. // void IndexClassifier::fill_index_position_map(Ex::iterator prodnode, const index_map_t& im, index_position_map_t& ipm) const { ipm.clear(); index_map_t::const_iterator imit=im.begin(); while(imit!=im.end()) { int current_pos=0; bool found=false; index_iterator indexit=index_iterator::begin(kernel.properties, prodnode); while(indexit!=index_iterator::end(kernel.properties, prodnode)) { if(imit->second==(Ex::iterator)(indexit)) { ipm.insert(index_position_map_t::value_type(imit->second, current_pos)); found=true; break; } ++current_pos; ++indexit; } if(!found) throw ConsistencyException("Internal error in fill_index_position_map; cannot find index " + *(imit->first.begin()->name)+"."); ++imit; } } void IndexClassifier::fill_map(index_map_t& mp, Ex::sibling_iterator st, Ex::sibling_iterator nd) const { while(st!=nd) { mp.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(st), Ex::iterator(st))); ++st; } } void IndexClassifier::determine_intersection(index_map_t& one, index_map_t& two, index_map_t& target, bool move_out) const { index_map_t::iterator it1=one.begin(); while(it1!=one.end()) { const Coordinate *cdn=kernel.properties.get(it1->second, true); const Symbol *smb=Symbol::get(kernel.properties, it1->second, true); if(it1->second->is_integer()==false && !cdn && !smb && !it1->second->is_name_wildcard() && !it1->second->is_object_wildcard() && !(*it1->second->name=="\\sum")) { bool move_this_one=false; index_map_t::iterator it2=two.begin(); while(it2!=two.end()) { if(tree_exact_equal(&kernel.properties, (*it1).first,(*it2).first,1,true,-2,true)) { // const Indices *ind=kernel.properties.get(it1->second); // if(ind && ind->position_type==Indices::fixed && it1->second->fl.parent_rel==it2->second->fl.parent_rel) { // std::cerr << tr << std::endl; // throw ConsistencyException("Fixed index pair with two upper or two lower indices "+ *it1->second->name + " found."); // } target.insert((*it2)); if(move_out) { index_map_t::iterator nxt=it2; ++nxt; two.erase(it2); it2=nxt; move_this_one=true; } else ++it2; } else ++it2; } Ex the_key=(*it1).first; if(move_this_one && move_out) { index_map_t::iterator nxt=it1; ++nxt; target.insert(*it1); one.erase(it1); it1=nxt; } else ++it1; // skip all indices in two with the same name while(it1!=one.end() && tree_exact_equal(&kernel.properties, (*it1).first,the_key,1,true,-2,true)) { if(move_this_one && move_out) { index_map_t::iterator nxt=it1; ++nxt; target.insert(*it1); one.erase(it1); it1=nxt; } else ++it1; } } else ++it1; } } IndexClassifier::index_map_t::iterator IndexClassifier::find_modulo_parent_rel(Ex::iterator it, index_map_t& imap) const { auto fnd=imap.find(it); if(fnd==imap.end()) { it->flip_parent_rel(); fnd=imap.find(it); it->flip_parent_rel(); return fnd; } return fnd; } // Directly add an index to the free/dummy sets, as appropriate (only add if this really is an // index!) void IndexClassifier::classify_add_index(Ex::iterator it, index_map_t& ind_free, index_map_t& ind_dummy) const { if((it->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub || it->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super) && it->fl.bracket==str_node::b_none /* && it->is_integer()==false */) { const Coordinate *cdn=kernel.properties.get(it, true); const Symbol *smb=Symbol::get(kernel.properties, it, true); if(it->is_integer() || cdn || smb) ind_free.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(it), it)); else { index_map_t::iterator fnd=find_modulo_parent_rel(it, ind_free); if(fnd!=ind_free.end()) { // std::cerr << "found in free indices" << std::endl; // check consistency: one up and one down if index position is fixed. const Indices *ind=kernel.properties.get(it); if(ind && ind->position_type==Indices::fixed && it->fl.parent_rel==fnd->second->fl.parent_rel) { throw ConsistencyException("Fixed index pair with two upper or two lower indices found."); } ind_dummy.insert(*fnd); ind_dummy.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(it), it)); ind_free.erase(fnd); } else { // std::cerr << "not yet found; after insertion" << std::endl; if(ind_dummy.count(it)>0) { throw ConsistencyException("Triple index occurred."); } ind_free.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(it), it)); // for(auto& n: ind_free) // std::cerr << n.first << std::endl; } } } } void IndexClassifier::classify_indices_up(Ex::iterator it, index_map_t& ind_free, index_map_t& ind_dummy) const { #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "classify_indices_up at " << it << std::endl; #endif loopie: if(Ex::is_head(it)) return; Ex::iterator par=Ex::parent(it); // if(Ex::is_valid(par)==false || par==tr.end()) { // reached the top // return; // } const IndexInherit *inh=kernel.properties.get(par); if(*par->name=="\\sum" || *par->name=="\\equals") { // sums or equal signs are no problem since the other terms do not end up in our // factor; therefore, just go up. it=par; goto loopie; } else if(*par->name=="\\fermibilinear" || inh) { // For each _other_ child in this product, do a top-down classify for all non-sub/super // children; add the indices thus found to the maps since they will end up in our factor. Ex::sibling_iterator sit=par.begin(); while(sit!=par.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "checking " << sit << std::endl; #endif if(sit!=Ex::sibling_iterator(it)) { if(sit->is_index()==false) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "classifying at " << sit << std::endl; #endif index_map_t factor_free, factor_dummy; classify_indices(sit, factor_free, factor_dummy); // Test for absence of triple or quadruple indices index_map_t must_be_empty; determine_intersection(factor_free, ind_dummy, must_be_empty); if(must_be_empty.size()>0) throw ConsistencyException("Triple index occurred."); // Test for absence of double index pairs must_be_empty.clear(); determine_intersection(factor_dummy, ind_dummy, must_be_empty); if(must_be_empty.size()>0) throw ConsistencyException("Double index pair occurred."); ind_dummy.insert(factor_dummy.begin(), factor_dummy.end()); index_map_t new_dummy; determine_intersection(factor_free, ind_free, new_dummy, true); ind_free.insert(factor_free.begin(), factor_free.end()); ind_dummy.insert(new_dummy.begin(), new_dummy.end()); } else { // ind_free.insert(free_so_far.begin(), free_so_far.end()); // free_so_far.clear(); classify_add_index(sit, ind_free, ind_dummy); } } ++sit; } it=par; goto loopie; } else if((*par->name).size()>0 && (*par->name)[0]=='@') { // command nodes swallow everything return; } else if(*par->name=="\\tie") { // tie lists do not care about indices ind_free.clear(); ind_dummy.clear(); it=par; goto loopie; } else if(*par->name=="\\arrow") { // rules can have different indices on lhs and rhs // ind_free.clear(); // ind_dummy.clear(); it=par; goto loopie; } // else if(*par->name=="\\indexbracket") { // it's really just a bracket, so go up // Ex::sibling_iterator sit=tr.begin(par); // ++sit; // while(sit!=tr.end(par)) { // ++sit; // } // it=par; // goto loopie; // } else if(*par->name=="\\comma") { // comma lists can contain anything NO: [a_{mu}, b_{nu}] // reaching a comma node is like reaching the top of an expression. return; } else if(!inh) { return; } // FIXME: do something with these warnings!! // txtout << "Index classification for this expression failed because of " // << *par->name << " node, disabling index checking." << std::endl; // assert(1==0); ind_free.clear(); ind_dummy.clear(); } void IndexClassifier::dumpmap(std::ostream& str, const index_map_t& mp) const { index_map_t::const_iterator dpr=mp.begin(); while(dpr!=mp.end()) { str << *(dpr->first.begin()->name) << " "; ++dpr; } str << std::endl; } void IndexClassifier::classify_indices(Ex::iterator it, index_map_t& ind_free, index_map_t& ind_dummy) const { const IndexInherit *inh=kernel.properties.get(it); if(*it->name=="\\sum" || *it->name=="\\equals") { index_map_t first_free; Ex::sibling_iterator sit=it.begin(); bool is_first_term=true; // Determine whether all indices in 'one' are also present in 'two' (but not the // other way around). Takes care of matching non-equal parent_rel if the index // is free. Indices in 'one' which are integers, symbols, coordinates or patterns do not // need to match indices in 'two'. auto free_index_set_contains = [&](const index_map_t& one, const index_map_t& two) { index_map_t::const_iterator i1=one.begin(); while(i1!=one.end()) { const Coordinate *cdn=kernel.properties.get(i1->second, true); const Symbol *smb=kernel.properties.get(i1->second, true); // Integer, coordinate or symbol indices, or pattern objects, or '\sum' nodes, are always ok. if(i1->second->is_integer()==false && !cdn && !smb && !i1->second->is_name_wildcard() && !i1->second->is_object_wildcard() && !(*i1->second->name=="\\sum")) { // Check whether there is a corresponding free index in the current term. if(two.count((*i1).first)==0) { // std::cerr << "did not find Symbol for " << i1->second << std::endl; // Not found. However, if this index is free, it is // allowed to appear with opposite parent rel. Check // that too. const Indices *idc = kernel.properties.get(i1->second, true); bool trouble=true; // if(idc) // std::cerr << "Have indices " << idc->position_type << std::endl; if(idc && idc->position_type==Indices::position_t::free) { Ex cpy((*i1).first); cpy.begin()->flip_parent_rel(); if(two.count(cpy)!=0) { trouble=false; // std::cerr << "Narrow escape" << std::endl; } } if(trouble) return false; } } ++i1; } return true; }; // Look at the first term to determine the free index // content. Then consider all other terms in turn, and check // that their free index content matches. while(sit!=it.end()) { if(*sit->multiplier!=0) { // A zero term is always ok. // Classify the indices of this term in the sum. index_map_t term_free, term_dummy; classify_indices(sit, term_free, term_dummy); if(!is_first_term) { bool ok=true; ok = ok && free_index_set_contains(first_free, term_free); ok = ok && free_index_set_contains(term_free, first_free); if(!ok) { if(*it->name=="\\sum") { #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "--- first:" << std::endl; for(auto& ii: first_free) std::cerr << ii.first << std::endl; std::cerr << "--- term:" << std::endl; for(auto& ii: term_free) std::cerr << ii.first << std::endl; #endif throw ConsistencyException("Free indices in different terms in a sum do not match."); } else throw ConsistencyException("Free indices on lhs and rhs do not match."); } } else { // This is the first term; remember the free indices as we need // to check that all other terms have the same indices free. first_free=term_free; is_first_term=false; } ind_dummy.insert(term_dummy.begin(), term_dummy.end()); ind_free.insert(term_free.begin(), term_free.end()); } ++sit; // next term in sum or \equals node } } else if(inh) { // std::cerr << "classify inherit at " << it << std::endl; index_map_t free_so_far; Ex::sibling_iterator sit=it.begin(); while(sit!=it.end()) { // std::cerr << "testing" << std::endl; if(sit->is_index()==false) { index_map_t factor_free, factor_dummy; classify_indices(sit, factor_free, factor_dummy); // Test for absence of triple or quadruple indices index_map_t must_be_empty; determine_intersection(factor_free, ind_dummy, must_be_empty); if(must_be_empty.size()>0) throw ConsistencyException("Triple index " + *(must_be_empty.begin()->second->name) + " inside a single factor found."); // Test for absence of double index pairs must_be_empty.clear(); determine_intersection(factor_dummy, ind_dummy, must_be_empty); if(must_be_empty.size()>0) throw ConsistencyException("Double index pair " + *(must_be_empty.begin()->second->name) + " inside a single factor found."); ind_dummy.insert(factor_dummy.begin(), factor_dummy.end()); index_map_t new_dummy; determine_intersection(factor_free, free_so_far, new_dummy, true); free_so_far.insert(factor_free.begin(), factor_free.end()); ind_dummy.insert(new_dummy.begin(), new_dummy.end()); } else { classify_add_index(sit, free_so_far, ind_dummy); } ++sit; } ind_free.insert(free_so_far.begin(), free_so_far.end()); } // else if(tr.is_valid(tr.parent(it))==false) { // classify_indices(it.begin(), ind_free, ind_dummy); // } else if(*it->name=="\\tie") { ind_free.clear(); ind_dummy.clear(); } else if(*it->name=="\\pow") { // Power nodes can have dummies in all arguments, but no free indices. We allow for // \pow{ A_{m} A^{m} }{2} type of things, in the understanding that any algorithm that // does something with this (e.g. product_rule) will need to relabel once the expression // gets down to A_{m} A^{m} itself. Note that the classifier will mark numerical indices // and coordinate indices as free. auto sib=it.begin(); while(sib!=it.end()) { index_map_t ind_free_here, ind_dummy_here; classify_indices(sib, ind_free_here, ind_dummy_here); if(ind_free_here.size()>0) { for(auto& di: ind_free_here) { const Coordinate *cdn=kernel.properties.get(di.second, true); const Symbol *smb=kernel.properties.get(di.second, true); if(! (cdn || smb || di.second->is_integer()) ) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << di.first << std::endl; #endif throw ConsistencyException("Power with free indices not allowed."); } } // ind_free_here.clear(); } // FIXME: add test for overlap // ind_free.insert(ind_free_here.begin(), ind_free_here.end()); // ind_dummy.insert(ind_dummy_here.begin(), ind_dummy_here.end()); ++sib; } } else if((*it->name).size()>0 && (*it->name)[0]=='@') { // This is an active node that has not been replaced yet; since // we do not know anything about what this will become, do not return // any index information (clashes will be resolved when the active // node gets replaced). } else { // std::cerr << "classify ordinary at " << it << std::endl; Ex::sibling_iterator sit=it.begin(); index_map_t item_free; index_map_t item_dummy; while(sit!=it.end()) { if((sit->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub || sit->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super) && sit->fl.bracket==str_node::b_none) { if(*sit->name!="??") { const Coordinate *cdn=kernel.properties.get(sit, true); const Symbol *smb=kernel.properties.get(sit, true); // integer, coordinate or symbol indices always ok if(sit->is_integer() || cdn || smb) { // Note: even integers need to be stored as indices, because we expect e.g. canonicalise // to re-order even numerical indices. They should just never be flagged as dummies. item_free.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(sit), Ex::iterator(sit))); } else { index_map_t::iterator fnd=find_modulo_parent_rel(sit, item_free); if(fnd!=item_free.end()) { if(find_modulo_parent_rel(sit, item_dummy)!=item_dummy.end()) throw ConsistencyException("Triple index " + *sit->name + " inside a single factor found."); item_dummy.insert(*fnd); item_free.erase(fnd); item_dummy.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(sit), Ex::iterator(sit))); } else { item_free.insert(index_map_t::value_type(Ex(sit), Ex::iterator(sit))); } } } } // else { // item_free.insert(index_map_t::value_type(sit->name, Ex::iterator(sit))); // } ++sit; } ind_free.insert(item_free.begin(), item_free.end()); ind_dummy.insert(item_dummy.begin(), item_dummy.end()); } // std::cerr << "ind_free: " << ind_free.size() << std::endl; // std::cerr << "ind_dummy: " << ind_dummy.size() << std::endl; } Ex IndexClassifier::get_dummy(const list_property *dums, const index_map_t * one, const index_map_t * two, const index_map_t * three, const index_map_t * four, const index_map_t * five) const { std::pair pr=kernel.properties.pats.equal_range(dums); // std::cerr << "finding index not in: " << std::endl; // if(one) // for(auto& i: *one) // std::cerr << i.first << std::endl; // if(two) // for(auto& i: *two) // std::cerr << i.first << std::endl; // if(three) // for(auto& i: *three) // std::cerr << i.first << std::endl; // if(four) // for(auto& i: *four) // std::cerr << i.first << std::endl; // if(five) // for(auto& i: *five) // std::cerr << i.first << std::endl; while(pr.first!=pr.second) { // std::cerr << "trying " << pr.first->second->obj << std::endl; if(pr.first->second->obj.begin()->is_autodeclare_wildcard()) { std::string base=*pr.first->second->obj.begin()->name_only(); int used=max_numbered_name(base, one, two, three, four, five); std::ostringstream str; str << base << used+1; // txtout << "going to use " << str.str() << std::endl; nset_t::iterator newnm=name_set.insert(str.str()).first; Ex ret; ret.set_head(str_node(newnm)); return ret; } else { const Ex& inm=(*pr.first).second->obj; // BUG: even if only _{a} is in the used map, we should not // accept ^{a}. But since ... if(index_in_set(inm, one)==false && index_in_set(inm, two)==false && index_in_set(inm, three)==false && index_in_set(inm, four)==false && index_in_set(inm, five)==false) { // std::cerr << "ok to use " << inm << std::endl; return inm; } } ++pr.first; } const Indices *dd=dynamic_cast(dums); assert(dd); throw ConsistencyException("Ran out of dummy indices for type \""+dd->set_name+"\"."); } Ex IndexClassifier::get_dummy(const list_property *dums, Ex::iterator it) const { index_map_t one, two, three, four, five; classify_indices_up(it, one, two); classify_indices(it, three, four); return get_dummy(dums, &one, &two, &three, &four, 0); } // Find a dummy index of the type given in "nm", making sure that this index // name does not class with the object in it1 nor it2. Ex IndexClassifier::get_dummy(const list_property *dums, Ex::iterator it1, Ex::iterator it2) const { index_map_t one, two, three, four, five; classify_indices_up(it1, one, two); classify_indices_up(it2, one, two); classify_indices(it1, three, four); classify_indices(it2, three, four); return get_dummy(dums, &one, &two, &three, &four, 0); } void IndexClassifier::print_classify_indices(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator st) const { str << "for node " << Ex(st) << std::endl; index_map_t ind_free, ind_dummy; classify_indices(st, ind_free, ind_dummy); index_map_t::iterator it=ind_free.begin(); index_map_t::iterator prev=ind_free.end(); str << "free indices: " << std::endl; while(it!=ind_free.end()) { if(prev==ind_free.end() || tree_exact_equal(&kernel.properties, (*it).first,(*prev).first,1,true,-2,true)==false) str << *(*it).first.begin()->name << " (" << ind_free.count((*it).first) << ") "; prev=it; ++it; } str << std::endl; it=ind_dummy.begin(); prev=ind_dummy.end(); str << "dummy indices: "; while(it!=ind_dummy.end()) { if(prev==ind_dummy.end() || tree_exact_equal(&kernel.properties, (*it).first,(*prev).first,1,true,-2,true)==false) str << *(*it).first.begin()->name << " (" << ind_dummy.count((*it).first) << ") "; prev=it; ++it; } str << "---" << std::endl; } int IndexClassifier::max_numbered_name_one(const std::string& nm, const index_map_t * one) const { assert(one); int themax=0; index_map_t::const_iterator it=one->begin(); while(it!=one->end()) { size_t pos=(*it->first.begin()->name).find_first_of("0123456789"); if(pos!=std::string::npos) { // txtout << (*it->first).substr(0,pos) << std::endl; if((*it->first.begin()->name).substr(0,pos) == nm) { int thenum=atoi((*it->first.begin()->name).substr(pos).c_str()); // txtout << "num = " << thenum << std::endl; themax=std::max(themax, thenum); } } ++it; } return themax; } int IndexClassifier::max_numbered_name(const std::string& nm, const index_map_t * one, const index_map_t * two, const index_map_t * three, const index_map_t * four, const index_map_t * five) const { int themax=0; if(one) { themax=std::max(themax, max_numbered_name_one(nm, one)); if(two) { themax=std::max(themax, max_numbered_name_one(nm, two)); if(three) { themax=std::max(themax, max_numbered_name_one(nm, three)); if(four) { themax=std::max(themax, max_numbered_name_one(nm, four)); if(five) { themax=std::max(themax, max_numbered_name_one(nm, five)); } } } } } return themax; } bool IndexClassifier::index_in_set(Ex ex, const index_map_t *im) const { if(im==0) return false; if(im->count(ex)>0) return true; if(ex.begin()->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super) { ex.begin()->fl.parent_rel=str_node::p_sub; int c=im->count(ex); if(c>0) return true; } if(ex.begin()->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub) { ex.begin()->fl.parent_rel=str_node::p_super; int c=im->count(ex); if(c>0) return true; } return false; }