#include "Config.hh" #include "Symbols.hh" #include "DisplayTeX.hh" #include "Algorithm.hh" #include "algorithms/substitute.hh" #include "properties/LaTeXForm.hh" #include "properties/Derivative.hh" #include "properties/Accent.hh" #include "properties/Tableau.hh" #include "properties/FilledTableau.hh" #include "properties/TableauInherit.hh" #define nbsp " " //(( parent.utf8_output?(unichar(0x00a0)):" ")) #define zwnbsp "" //(( parent.utf8_output?(unichar(0xfeff)):"")) using namespace cadabra; #ifdef ENABLE_JUPYTER const std::string discr = ""; #else const std::string discr = "\\discretionary{}{}{}"; #endif DisplayTeX::DisplayTeX(const Kernel& k, const Ex& e) : DisplayBase(k, e) { symmap = { {"\\hat", "\\widehat"}, {"\\tilde", "\\widetilde"} }; curly_bracket_operators = { "\\sqrt", "\\dot" }; } bool DisplayTeX::needs_brackets(Ex::iterator it) { // FIXME: may need looking at properties // FIXME: write as individual parent/current tests if(tree.is_head(it)) return false; std::string parent=*tree.parent(it)->name; std::string child =*it->name; if(parent=="\\partial" && (child=="\\sum" || child=="\\oplus")) return false; // Always handled by the functional argument. Was: true; if(parent=="\\int" && (child=="\\sum" || child=="\\oplus")) return true; if(parent=="\\indexbracket" && child=="\\prod") return false; const Derivative *der=kernel.properties.get(it); if(parent=="\\pow") { Ex::sibling_iterator sib=it; ++sib; if(tree.index(it)==0 && *sib->name=="1" && *sib->multiplier==multiplier_t(1)/2) return false; // \sqrt{this} if(tree.index(it)==0 && !it->is_integer() && *it->multiplier!=1) return true; int nc = Ex::number_of_children(it); int ic = Algorithm::number_of_direct_indices(it); if(nc-ic>0) { Ex::sibling_iterator ch = Ex::begin(it); while(ch->is_index()) ++ch; bool rao = reads_as_operator(it, ch); if(rao) return true; } } if(parent=="\\oplus" && child=="\\otimes") return true; if(parent=="\\pow" && (child=="\\prod" || child=="\\sum" || child=="\\oplus" || der)) return true; if(parent=="\\wedge" && child=="\\prod") return true; if(parent=="\\prod" || parent=="\\frac" || parent=="\\pow" || parent=="\\wedge") { if(*tree.parent(it)->name!="\\frac" && (*it->name=="\\sum" || *it->name=="\\oplus")) return true; // if(*tree.parent(it)->name=="\\pow" && (*it->multiplier<0 || (*it->multiplier!=1 && *it->name!="1")) ) return true; } else if(it->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_none) { // function argument if(*it->name=="\\sum" || *it->name=="\\oplus" || *it->name=="\\pow") return false; } else { if(*it->name=="\\sum") return true; if(*it->name=="\\oplus") return true; if(*it->name=="\\prod") return true; } return false; } bool DisplayTeX::reads_as_operator(Ex::iterator obj, Ex::iterator arg) const { const Derivative *der=kernel.properties.get(obj); if(der) { if(*arg->name=="\\pow") return true; // FIXME: this needs fine-tuning; there are more cases where // no brackets are needed. const LaTeXForm *lf = kernel.properties.get(arg); if((*arg->name).size()==1 || lf || cadabra::symbols::greekmap.find(*arg->name)!=cadabra::symbols::greekmap.end()) return true; } if(*obj->name=="\\cos" || *obj->name=="\\sin" || *obj->name=="\\tan" || *obj->name=="\\exp") { const LaTeXForm *lf = kernel.properties.get(arg); if(*arg->multiplier==1) if((*arg->name).size()==1 || lf || cadabra::symbols::greekmap.find(*arg->name)!=cadabra::symbols::greekmap.end()) return true; } auto it=curly_bracket_operators.find(*obj->name); if(it!=curly_bracket_operators.end()) return true; return false; } void DisplayTeX::print_other(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\left("; // print multiplier and object name if(*it->multiplier!=1) print_multiplier(str, it); if(*it->name=="1") { if(*it->multiplier==1 || (*it->multiplier==-1)) // this would print nothing altogether. str << "1"; if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; return; } Ex_comparator comp(kernel.properties); int num; auto prop=kernel.properties.get_with_pattern_ext(it, comp, num, "", false, true); // get property, ignore parent rel! const LaTeXForm *lf=prop.first; bool needs_extra_brackets=false; const Accent *ac=kernel.properties.get(it); if(!ac && extra_brackets_for_symbols) { // accents should never get additional curly brackets, {\bar}{g} does not print. Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it); while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { if(sib->is_index()) needs_extra_brackets=true; ++sib; } } if(needs_extra_brackets) str << "{"; // to prevent double sup/sub script errors if(lf) { // Use the pattern as the lhs, and one-by-one the elements in // latex as the rhs. So // // ket(A??) -> "|" // ket(A??) -> A?? // ... // Then apply this to the original expression to be printed, e.g. ket(1). for(auto lt: lf->latex) { auto s = *(lt.begin()->name); if(s[0]=='\"') { s=s.substr(1,s.size()-2); str << s; if(lf->latex.size()==1) print_children(str, it); } else { Ex replacement("\\arrow"); replacement.append_child(replacement.begin(), prop.second->obj.begin()); replacement.append_child(replacement.begin(), lt.begin()); Ex tmp(it); // The overall multiplier has already been printed, so set to one now. one(tmp.begin()->multiplier); substitute subs(kernel, tmp, replacement); auto lti=tmp.begin(); if(subs.can_apply(lti)) subs.apply(lti); // std::cerr << tmp << std::endl; dispatch(str, tmp.begin()); } } } else { str << texify(*it->name); print_children(str, it); } if(needs_extra_brackets) str << "}"; if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; } void DisplayTeX::print_tableau(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\left("; // print multiplier and object name if(*it->multiplier!=1) { print_multiplier(str, it); str << "\\, "; } str << "\\ydiagram{"; auto sib=tree.begin(it); while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { str << *sib->multiplier; ++sib; if(sib!=tree.end(it)) str << ","; } str << "}"; if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; } void DisplayTeX::print_ftableau(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\left("; // print multiplier and object name if(*it->multiplier!=1) { print_multiplier(str, it); str << "\\, "; } str << "\\ytableaushort{"; auto sib=tree.begin(it); while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { if(*sib->name!="\\comma") { str << "{"; dispatch(str, sib); str << "}"; } else { auto sib2=tree.begin(sib); while(sib2!=tree.end(sib)) { str << "{"; dispatch(str, sib2); str << "}"; ++sib2; } } ++sib; if(sib!=tree.end(it)) str << ","; } str << "}"; if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; } std::string DisplayTeX::texify(std::string str) const { auto rn = symmap.find(str); if(rn!=symmap.end()) str = rn->second; // Convert symbols which need to be escaped for TeX. std::string res; for(unsigned int i=0; i1) { std::string nondigit; std::string digit; bool nd=true; for(size_t i=0; i0 && nondigit.size()>0) res="{"+nondigit+"_{"+digit+"}}"; } return res; } void DisplayTeX::print_children(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, int skip) { str_node::bracket_t previous_bracket_ =str_node::b_invalid; str_node::parent_rel_t previous_parent_rel_=str_node::p_none; int number_of_nonindex_children=0; int number_of_index_children=0; Ex::sibling_iterator ch=tree.begin(it); while(ch!=tree.end(it)) { if(ch->is_index()==false) { ++number_of_nonindex_children; if(*ch->name=="\\prod") ++number_of_nonindex_children; } else ++number_of_index_children; ++ch; } ch=tree.begin(it); ch+=skip; unsigned int chnum=0; while(ch!=tree.end(it)) { str_node::bracket_t current_bracket_ =(*ch).fl.bracket; str_node::parent_rel_t current_parent_rel_=(*ch).fl.parent_rel; const Accent *is_accent=kernel.properties.get(it); bool function_bracket_needed=true; if(current_bracket_==str_node::b_none) { if(previous_bracket_==str_node::b_none && current_parent_rel_==previous_parent_rel_ && current_parent_rel_==str_node::p_none) str << ", " << discr; function_bracket_needed=!reads_as_operator(it, ch); } if(current_bracket_!=str_node::b_none || previous_bracket_!=current_bracket_ || previous_parent_rel_!=current_parent_rel_) { print_parent_rel(str, current_parent_rel_, ch==tree.begin(it)); if(is_accent==0 && function_bracket_needed) print_opening_bracket(str, (number_of_nonindex_children>1 /* &&number_of_index_children>0 */ && current_parent_rel_!=str_node::p_sub && current_parent_rel_!=str_node::p_super ? str_node::b_round:current_bracket_), current_parent_rel_); else str << "{"; } // print this child depending on its name or meaning dispatch(str, ch); ++ch; if(ch==tree.end(it) || current_bracket_!=str_node::b_none || current_bracket_!=(*ch).fl.bracket || current_parent_rel_!=(*ch).fl.parent_rel) { if(is_accent==0 && function_bracket_needed) print_closing_bracket(str, (number_of_nonindex_children>1 /* &&number_of_index_children>0 */ && current_parent_rel_!=str_node::p_sub && current_parent_rel_!=str_node::p_super ? str_node::b_round:current_bracket_), current_parent_rel_); else str << "}"; } else str << nbsp; previous_bracket_=current_bracket_; previous_parent_rel_=current_parent_rel_; ++chnum; } } void DisplayTeX::print_multiplier(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, int mult) { mpz_class denom=it->multiplier->get_den(); if(denom!=1) { if(mult*it->multiplier->get_num()<0) { str << " - "; mult *= -1; } str << "\\frac{" << mult * it->multiplier->get_num() << "}{" << it->multiplier->get_den() << "}"; } else if(mult * (*it->multiplier)==-1) { str << "-"; } else { str << mult * (*it->multiplier); } } void DisplayTeX::print_opening_bracket(std::ostream& str, str_node::bracket_t br, str_node::parent_rel_t pr) { switch(br) { case str_node::b_none: if(pr==str_node::p_none) str << "\\left("; else str << "{"; break; case str_node::b_pointy: str << "\\<"; break; case str_node::b_curly: str << "\\left\\{"; break; case str_node::b_round: str << "\\left("; break; case str_node::b_square: str << "\\left["; break; default : return; } ++(bracket_level); } void DisplayTeX::print_closing_bracket(std::ostream& str, str_node::bracket_t br, str_node::parent_rel_t pr) { switch(br) { case str_node::b_none: if(pr==str_node::p_none) str << "\\right)"; else str << "}"; break; case str_node::b_pointy: str << "\\>"; break; case str_node::b_curly: str << "\\right\\}"; break; case str_node::b_round: str << "\\right)"; break; case str_node::b_square: str << "\\right]"; break; default : return; } --(bracket_level); } void DisplayTeX::print_parent_rel(std::ostream& str, str_node::parent_rel_t pr, bool first) { switch(pr) { case str_node::p_super: if(!first && latex_spacing) str << "\\,"; str << "^"; break; case str_node::p_sub: if(!first && latex_spacing) str << "\\,"; str << "_"; break; case str_node::p_property: str << "$"; break; case str_node::p_exponent: str << "**"; break; case str_node::p_none: break; case str_node::p_components: break; case str_node::p_invalid: throw std::logic_error("DisplayTeX: p_invalid not handled."); } // Prevent line break after this character. str << zwnbsp; } void DisplayTeX::dispatch(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(handle_unprintable_wildcards(str, it)) return; if(*it->name=="\\prod") print_productlike(str, it, " "); else if(*it->name=="\\sum" || *it->name=="\\oplus") print_sumlike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\frac") print_fraclike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\comma") print_commalike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\arrow") print_arrowlike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\inner") print_dot(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\pow") print_powlike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\int") print_intlike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\equals" || *it->name=="\\unequals") print_equalitylike(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\commutator") print_commutator(str, it, true); else if(*it->name=="\\anticommutator") print_commutator(str, it, false); else if(*it->name=="\\components") print_components(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\wedge") print_wedgeproduct(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\conditional") print_conditional(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\greater" || *it->name=="\\less") print_relation(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\indexbracket") print_indexbracket(str, it); else if(*it->name=="\\ldots") print_dots(str, it); else if(kernel.properties.get(it)) print_tableau(str, it); else if(kernel.properties.get(it)) print_ftableau(str, it); else print_other(str, it); } void DisplayTeX::print_commalike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it); bool first=true; str << "\\left["; while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { if(first) first=false; else str << ", " << discr; // << " "; dispatch(str, sib); ++sib; } str << "\\right]"; } void DisplayTeX::print_wedgeproduct(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(*it->multiplier!=1) { print_multiplier(str, it); } if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\left("; Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); ++sib; while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { str << "\\wedge "; dispatch(str, sib); ++sib; } if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; } void DisplayTeX::print_arrowlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); str << " \\rightarrow "; ++sib; dispatch(str, sib); } void DisplayTeX::print_dot(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); str << " \\cdot "; ++sib; dispatch(str, sib); } void DisplayTeX::print_fraclike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { Ex::sibling_iterator num=tree.begin(it), den=num; ++den; int mult=1; if(*it->multiplier<0) { str << " - "; mult=-1; } str << "\\frac{"; if(mult * (*it->multiplier)!=1) { print_multiplier(str, it, mult); } if(num->is_rational()==false || (mult * (*it->multiplier))==1) dispatch(str, num); str << "}{"; dispatch(str, den); str << "}"; } void DisplayTeX::print_productlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, const std::string& inbetween) { if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\left("; if (kernel.display_fractions) { // If one (or more) of the factors is a negative power, split into top and // bottom parts and print as a fraction Ex pos("\\prod"), neg("\\prod"); for (Ex::sibling_iterator beg = it.begin(), end = it.end(); beg != end; ++beg) { bool is_negexp = false; if (*beg->name == "\\pow") { Ex::sibling_iterator exponent = beg.begin(); ++exponent; if (*exponent->name == "1" && *exponent->multiplier < 0) { is_negexp = true; if (*exponent->multiplier == -1) { neg.append_child(neg.begin(), (Ex::iterator)beg.begin()); } else { auto pos = neg.append_child(neg.begin(), (Ex::iterator)beg); exponent = pos.begin(); ++exponent; multiply(exponent->multiplier, -1); } } } if (!is_negexp) { pos.append_child(pos.begin(), (Ex::iterator)beg); } } if (neg.begin().begin() != neg.begin().end()) { auto mult = *it->multiplier; if (mult < 0) { str << "-"; mult *= -1; } if (mult.get_den() == 1) { multiply(pos.begin()->multiplier, mult); } else { multiply(pos.begin()->multiplier, mult.get_num()); multiply(neg.begin()->multiplier, mult.get_den()); } str << "\\frac{"; if (pos.begin().begin() == pos.begin().end()) { pos.begin()->name = name_set.insert("1").first; print_other(str, pos.begin()); } else { print_productlike(str, pos.begin(), inbetween); } str << "}{"; print_productlike(str, neg.begin(), inbetween); str << "}"; if (needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; return; } } // The multiplier needs to be inside the brackets, otherwise things like // \pow{ 2/3 \prod{a}{b} }{c} do not print correctly. if(*it->multiplier!=1) print_multiplier(str, it); // To print \prod{\sum{a}{b}}{\sum{c}{d}} correctly: // If there is any sum as child, and if the sum children do not // all have the same bracket type (different from b_none or b_no), // then print brackets. str_node::bracket_t previous_bracket_=str_node::b_invalid; // bool beginning_of_group=true; Ex::sibling_iterator ch=tree.begin(it); bool prev_is_tableau=false; if(ch!=tree.end(it)) { const Tableau *tab =kernel.properties.get(ch); const FilledTableau *ftab=kernel.properties.get(ch); if(tab || ftab) prev_is_tableau=true; } while(ch!=tree.end(it)) { str_node::bracket_t current_bracket_=(*ch).fl.bracket; if(previous_bracket_!=current_bracket_) { if(current_bracket_!=str_node::b_none) { print_opening_bracket(str, current_bracket_, str_node::p_none); // beginning_of_group=true; } } dispatch(str, ch); ++ch; if(ch==tree.end(it)) { if(current_bracket_!=str_node::b_none) print_closing_bracket(str, current_bracket_, str_node::p_none); } else { const Tableau *tab =kernel.properties.get(ch); const FilledTableau *ftab=kernel.properties.get(ch); if(tab || ftab) { if(prev_is_tableau) str << " \\otimes "; else str << " "; prev_is_tableau=true; } else { prev_is_tableau=false; if(print_star) { if(tight_star) str << inbetween; else str << " " << inbetween << " "; } else { str << " "; } } } previous_bracket_=current_bracket_; } if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; } void DisplayTeX::print_sumlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { assert(*it->multiplier==1); if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\left("; unsigned int steps=0; Ex::sibling_iterator ch=tree.begin(it); bool prev_is_tableau=false; if(ch!=tree.end(it)) { const Tableau *tab =kernel.properties.get(ch); const FilledTableau *ftab=kernel.properties.get(ch); if(tab || ftab) prev_is_tableau=true; } while(ch!=tree.end(it)) { // if(ch!=tree.begin(it)) // str << "%\n"; // prevent LaTeX overflow. if(steps>0) str << discr; if(++steps==20) { steps=1; str << "%\n"; // prevent LaTeX overflow. } if(*ch->multiplier>=0 && ch!=tree.begin(it)) { if(*it->name=="\\sum") { const Tableau *tab =kernel.properties.get(ch); const FilledTableau *ftab=kernel.properties.get(ch); if(tab || ftab) { if(prev_is_tableau) str << " \\oplus "; else str << "+"; prev_is_tableau=true; } else str << "+"; } else str << *it->name << "{}"; } dispatch(str, ch); ++ch; } if(needs_brackets(it)) str << "\\right)"; str << std::flush; } bool DisplayTeX::handle_unprintable_wildcards(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) const { // Catch `\pow{#}` and other wildcard constructions, these // need to print verbatim. if(it.number_of_children()==1) { const std::string& name = (*it->name); if(name.size()>0 && name[0]=='\\' && *(it.begin()->name)=="#") { str << "\\backslash\\texttt{" << name.substr(1) << "}\\{\\#\\}"; return true; } } return false; } void DisplayTeX::print_powlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { auto arg=tree.begin(it); assert(arg!=tree.end(it)); auto exp=arg; ++exp; assert(exp!=tree.end(it)); if (kernel.display_fractions && exp->is_rational() && *exp->multiplier < 0) { auto mult = *it->multiplier; bool mult_is_int = mult.get_den() == 1; if (mult < 0) { str << "-"; mult *= -1; } str << "\\frac{"; if (mult_is_int) str << mult; else str << mult.get_num(); str << "}{"; if (*exp->multiplier == -1) { Ex copy(arg); if (!mult_is_int) multiply(copy.begin()->multiplier, mult.get_den()); dispatch(str, copy.begin()); } else { Ex copy(it); exp = copy.begin().begin(); ++exp; multiply(exp->multiplier, -1); if (!mult_is_int) copy.begin()->multiplier = rat_set.insert(mult.get_den()).first; print_powlike(str, copy.begin()); } str << "}"; return; } if(*it->multiplier!=1) print_multiplier(str, it); bool is_sqrt=false; if(exp->is_rational() && *exp->multiplier==multiplier_t(1)/2) { str << "\\sqrt"; is_sqrt=true; } str << "{"; dispatch(str, arg); str << "}"; if(!is_sqrt) { str << "^{"; dispatch(str, exp); str << "}"; } } void DisplayTeX::print_intlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(*it->multiplier!=1) print_multiplier(str, it); str << *it->name; // The first argument is the integrand. Subsequent arguments are // either integration variables, or lists consisting of an // integration variable, a start value and an end value. // Since the integration ranges need to be attached to the // integral symbols, we need to scan for them first. auto sib=tree.begin(it); ++sib; while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { if(*sib->name=="\\comma") { auto bvalue = tree.child(sib, 1); auto evalue = tree.child(sib, 2); str << "_{"; dispatch(str, bvalue); str << "}^{"; dispatch(str, evalue); str << "}"; } ++sib; if(sib!=tree.end(it)) str << *it->name; } str << " "; sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); ++sib; bool first=true; while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { if(first) { str << "\\,"; first=false; } str << "\\,{\\rm d}"; if(*sib->name=="\\comma") { dispatch(str, tree.child(sib,0)); } else { dispatch(str, sib); } ++sib; } } void DisplayTeX::print_equalitylike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); str << " "; if(*it->name=="\\unequals") str << "\\not"; str << "= "; ++sib; if(sib==tree.end(it)) throw ConsistencyException("Found equals node with only one child node."); dispatch(str, sib); } void DisplayTeX::print_commutator(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, bool comm) { if(*it->multiplier!=1) print_multiplier(str, it); if(comm) str << "{}\\left["; else str << "{}\\left\\{"; auto sib=tree.begin(it); bool first=true; while(sib!=tree.end(it)) { if(!first) str << ", " << discr; else first=false; dispatch(str, sib); ++sib; } if(comm) str << "\\right]{}"; else str << "\\right\\}{}"; } void DisplayTeX::print_dots(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(tree.is_head(it)==false) { if(*tree.parent(it)->name=="\\sum") str << " \\ldots "; else str << " \\cdots "; } else str << " \\ldots "; } void DisplayTeX::print_components(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { assert(*it->multiplier==1); auto ind_names=tree.begin(it); auto ind_values=tree.end(it); --ind_values; str << "\\square"; auto sib=ind_names; while(sib!=ind_values) { if(sib->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub) str << "{}_{"; if(sib->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super) str << "{}^{"; dispatch(str, sib); str << "}"; ++sib; } str << "\\left\\{\\begin{aligned}"; sib=tree.begin(ind_values); while(sib!=tree.end(ind_values)) { Ex::sibling_iterator c=tree.begin(sib); auto iv = tree.begin(c); auto in = ind_names; str << "\\square"; while(iv!=tree.end(c)) { if(in->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub) str << "{}_{"; if(in->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super) str << "{}^{"; dispatch(str, iv); str << "}"; ++in; ++iv; } str << "& = "; ++c; dispatch(str, c); str << "\\\\[-.5ex]\n"; ++sib; } str << "\\end{aligned}\\right.\n"; } void DisplayTeX::print_conditional(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { auto sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); str << "\\quad\\text{with}\\quad{}"; ++sib; dispatch(str, sib); } void DisplayTeX::print_relation(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { auto sib=tree.begin(it); dispatch(str, sib); if(*it->name=="\\greater") str << " > "; if(*it->name=="\\less") str << " < "; ++sib; dispatch(str, sib); } void DisplayTeX::print_indexbracket(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it) { if(*it->multiplier!=1) print_multiplier(str, it); auto sib=tree.begin(it); str << "\\left("; dispatch(str, sib); str << "\\right)"; print_children(str, it, 1); } bool DisplayTeX::children_have_brackets(Ex::iterator ch) const { Ex::sibling_iterator chlds=tree.begin(ch); str_node::bracket_t childbr=chlds->fl.bracket; if(childbr==str_node::b_none || childbr==str_node::b_no) return false; else return true; } // Thanks to Behdad Esfahbod int k_unichar_to_utf8(kunichar c, char *buf) { buf[0]=(c) < 0x00000080 ? (c) : (c) < 0x00000800 ? ((c) >> 6) | 0xC0 : (c) < 0x00010000 ? ((c) >> 12) | 0xE0 : (c) < 0x00200000 ? ((c) >> 18) | 0xF0 : (c) < 0x04000000 ? ((c) >> 24) | 0xF8 : ((c) >> 30) | 0xFC; buf[1]=(c) < 0x00000080 ? 0 /* null-terminator */ : (c) < 0x00000800 ? ((c) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (c) < 0x00010000 ? (((c) >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (c) < 0x00200000 ? (((c) >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (c) < 0x04000000 ? (((c) >> 18) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (((c) >> 24) & 0x3F) | 0x80; buf[2]=(c) < 0x00000800 ? 0 /* null-terminator */ : (c) < 0x00010000 ? ((c) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (c) < 0x00200000 ? (((c) >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (c) < 0x04000000 ? (((c) >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (((c) >> 18) & 0x3F) | 0x80; buf[3]=(c) < 0x00010000 ? 0 /* null-terminator */ : (c) < 0x00200000 ? ((c) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (c) < 0x04000000 ? (((c) >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (((c) >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80; buf[4]=(c) < 0x00200000 ? 0 /* null-terminator */ : (c) < 0x04000000 ? ((c) & 0x3F) | 0x80 : (((c) >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80; buf[5]=(c) < 0x04000000 ? 0 /* null-terminator */ : ((c) & 0x3F) | 0x80; buf[6]=0; return 6; } const char *unichar(kunichar c) { static char buffer[7]; int pos=k_unichar_to_utf8(c, buffer); buffer[pos]=0; return buffer; }