#include #include #include #include "ComputeThread.hh" #include "DocumentThread.hh" #include "GUIBase.hh" #include "Actions.hh" #include "InstallPrefix.hh" #include "popen2.hh" #include #include #include "internal/unistd.h" typedef websocketpp::client client; using namespace cadabra; ComputeThread::ComputeThread(int server_port, std::string token, std::string ip_address) : gui(0), docthread(0), connection_is_open(false), restarting_kernel(false), server_pid(0), server_stdout(0), server_stderr(0), forced_server_port(server_port), forced_server_token(token), forced_server_ip_address(ip_address) { // The ComputeThread constructor (but _not_ the run() member!) is // always run on the gui thread, so we can grab the gui thread id // here. gui_thread_id=std::this_thread::get_id(); } ComputeThread::~ComputeThread() { if(server_stdout!=0) { close(server_stdout); // close(server_stderr); Glib::spawn_close_pid(server_pid); server_pid=0; server_stdout=0; server_stderr=0; } } void ComputeThread::set_master(GUIBase *b, DocumentThread *d) { gui=b; docthread=d; } void ComputeThread::init() { // Setup the WebSockets client. wsclient.init_asio(); wsclient.start_perpetual(); } void ComputeThread::try_connect() { using websocketpp::lib::bind; // Make the resolver work when there is no network up at all, only localhost. // https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2456 // Not sure why this works here, as the compiler claims this statement does // not have any effect. // No longer necessary with websocketpp-0.6.0. // // boost::asio::ip::resolver_query_base::flags(0); wsclient.clear_access_channels(websocketpp::log::alevel::all); wsclient.clear_error_channels(websocketpp::log::elevel::all); wsclient.set_open_handler(bind(&ComputeThread::on_open, this, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1)); wsclient.set_fail_handler(bind(&ComputeThread::on_fail, this, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1)); wsclient.set_close_handler(bind(&ComputeThread::on_close, this, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1)); wsclient.set_message_handler(bind(&ComputeThread::on_message, this, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_2)); std::ostringstream uristr; uristr << "ws://" << forced_server_ip_address << ":" << port; websocketpp::lib::error_code ec; connection = wsclient.get_connection(uristr.str(), ec); if (ec) { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: websocket connection error " << ec.message() << std::endl; return; } our_connection_hdl = connection->get_handle(); wsclient.connect(connection); // std::cerr << "cadabra-client: connect done" << std::endl; } void ComputeThread::run() { init(); try_spawn_server(); try_connect(); // Enter run loop, which will never terminate anymore. The on_fail and on_close // handlers will re-try to establish connections when they go bad. wsclient.run(); } void ComputeThread::terminate() { wsclient.stop(); // If we have started the server ourselves, stop it now so we do // not leave mess behind. // http://riccomini.name/posts/linux/2012-09-25-kill-subprocesses-linux-bash/ if(server_pid!=0) { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: killing server" << std::endl; if(server_stdout!=0) { close(server_stdout); // close(server_stderr); Glib::spawn_close_pid(server_pid); server_pid=0; server_stdout=0; server_stderr=0; } // kill(server_pid, SIGKILL); // if(server_stdout) // pclose2(server_stdout, server_pid); } } bool ComputeThread::kernel_is_connected() const { return connection_is_open; } void ComputeThread::all_cells_nonrunning() { for(auto it: running_cells) { std::shared_ptr rs_action = std::make_shared(it.second->id(), false); docthread->queue_action(rs_action); } if(gui) { gui->process_data(); gui->on_kernel_runstatus(false); } running_cells.clear(); } void ComputeThread::on_fail(websocketpp::connection_hdl ) { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: connection to server on port " << port << " failed" << std::endl; connection_is_open=false; all_cells_nonrunning(); if(gui && server_pid!=0) { close(server_stdout); // close(server_stderr); Glib::spawn_close_pid(server_pid); // kill(server_pid, SIGKILL); server_pid=0; server_stdout=0; server_stderr=0; gui->on_network_error(); } try_spawn_server(); try_connect(); } using SlotSpawnChildSetup = sigc::slot; void ComputeThread::try_spawn_server() { // Startup the server. First generate a UUID, pass this to the // starting server, then use this UUID to get access to the server // port. // std::cerr << "cadabra-client: spawning server" << std::endl; if(forced_server_port!=0) { port=forced_server_port; authentication_token=forced_server_token; return; } std::vector argv, envp; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) argv.push_back(cadabra::install_prefix()+"\\bin\\cadabra-server.exe"); #else const char *appdir = getenv("APPDIR"); if(appdir) { // std::cerr << "This is an AppImage, APPDIR = " << appdir << std::endl; argv.push_back(std::string(appdir)+"/usr/bin/cadabra-server"); } else { // std::cerr << "Not an AppImage." << std::endl; argv.push_back("cadabra-server"); } #endif Glib::Pid pid; std::string wd(""); // See https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1662531 for things related to // the 'envp' argument in the call below. try { Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes(wd, argv, /* envp, WITH envp, Fedora 27 fails to start python properly */ Glib::SPAWN_DEFAULT|Glib::SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, sigc::slot(), &pid, 0, &server_stdout, 0); // We need to see stderr on the console // &server_stderr); char buffer[100]; FILE *f = fdopen(server_stdout, "r"); if(fscanf(f, "%99s", buffer)!=1) { throw std::logic_error("Failed to read port from server."); } port = atoi(buffer); if(fscanf(f, "%99s", buffer)!=1) { throw std::logic_error("Failed to read authentication token from server."); } authentication_token=std::string(buffer); // std::cerr << "auth token: " << authentication_token << std::endl; } catch(Glib::SpawnError& err) { std::cerr << "Failed to start server " << argv[0] << ": " << err.what() << std::endl; // FIXME: cannot just fall through, the server is not up! } } void ComputeThread::on_open(websocketpp::connection_hdl ) { connection_is_open=true; restarting_kernel=false; if(gui) { gui->on_connect(); gui->on_kernel_runstatus(false); } // // now it is safe to use the connection // std::string msg; // //// if(stopit) { //// msg = //// "{ \"header\": { \"uuid\": \"none\", \"msg_type\": \"execute_interrupt\" }," //// " \"content\": { \"code\": \"print(42)\n\"} " //// "}"; //// } //// else { // msg = // "{ \"header\": { \"uuid\": \"none\", \"msg_type\": \"execute_request\" }," // " \"content\": { \"code\": \"import time\nprint(42)\ntime.sleep(10)\n\"} " // "}"; //// } // //// c->send(hdl, "import time\nfor i in range(0,10):\n print('this is python talking '+str(i))\nex=Ex('A_{m n}')\nprint(str(ex))", websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); // c->send(hdl, msg, websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); } void ComputeThread::on_close(websocketpp::connection_hdl ) { // std::cerr << "cadabra-client: connection closed" << std::endl; connection_is_open=false; all_cells_nonrunning(); if(gui) { if(restarting_kernel) { gui->on_disconnect("restarting kernel"); gui->on_kernel_runstatus(true); } else { gui->on_disconnect("not connected"); } } sleep(1); // do not cause a torrent... try_connect(); } void ComputeThread::cell_finished_running(DataCell::id_t id) { auto it=running_cells.find(id); if(it==running_cells.end()) { throw std::logic_error("Cannot find cell with id = "+std::to_string(id.id)); } // DTree::iterator ret = (*it).second; running_cells.erase(it); } void ComputeThread::on_message(websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl, message_ptr msg) { client::connection_ptr con = wsclient.get_con_from_hdl(hdl); // std::cerr << "payload: " << msg->get_payload() << std::endl; // Parse the JSON message. nlohmann::json root; try { root=nlohmann::json::parse(msg->get_payload()); } catch(nlohmann::json::exception& e) { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: cannot parse message." << std::endl; return; } if(root.count("header")==0) { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: received message without 'header'." << std::endl; return; } if(root.count("content")==0) { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: received message without 'content'." << std::endl; return; } const nlohmann::json& header = root["header"]; const nlohmann::json& content = root["content"]; const std::string msg_type = root.value("msg_type", ""); DataCell::id_t parent_id; parent_id.id = header.value("parent_id", uint64_t(0)); if(header.value("parent_origin", "")=="client") parent_id.created_by_client=true; else parent_id.created_by_client=false; DataCell::id_t cell_id; cell_id.id = header["cell_id"].get(); if(header.value("cell_origin", "")=="client") cell_id.created_by_client=true; else cell_id.created_by_client=false; // std::cerr << "received cell with id " << cell_id.id << std::endl; // Determine if this refers to a special cell in the interactive console. if (interactive_cells.find(parent_id.id) != interactive_cells.end()) { interactive_cells.insert(cell_id.id); docthread->on_interactive_output(root); } else if (interactive_cells.find(cell_id.id) != interactive_cells.end()) { docthread->on_interactive_output(root); } else if (msg_type.find("csl_") == 0) { root["header"]["from_server"] = true; docthread->on_interactive_output(root); } else if (msg_type == "progress_update") { std::string msg = content.value("msg", "Idle"); int n = content.value("n", 0); int total = content.value("total", 0); // FIXME: do something with 'pulse': // int pulse = content.value("pulse", false); docthread->set_progress(msg, n, total); } else if(msg_type=="completed") { // std::cerr << "received completion of " << content["original"] << " -> " << content["completed"] << std::endl; // Finally, the action to add the output cell. std::string toadd=content["completed"].get(); if(toadd.size()>0) { toadd=toadd.substr(content["original"].get().size()); int pos=content["position"].get(); int alternative=content["alternative"].get(); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(cell_id, pos, toadd, alternative); docthread->queue_action(action); } } else { try { bool finished = header["last_in_sequence"].get(); if (finished) { std::shared_ptr rs_action = std::make_shared(parent_id, false); docthread->queue_action(rs_action); cell_finished_running(parent_id); } if (content.count("output")>0 && content["output"].get().size() > 0) { if (msg_type == "output") { std::string output = "\\begin{verbatim}" + content["output"].get() + "\\end{verbatim}"; // Stick an AddCell action onto the stack. We instruct the // action to add this result output cell as a child of the // corresponding input cell. DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::output, output); // Finally, the action to add the output cell. std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } else if (msg_type == "verbatim") { std::string output = "\\begin{verbatim}" + content["output"].get() + "\\end{verbatim}"; // Stick an AddCell action onto the stack. We instruct the // action to add this result output cell as a child of the // corresponding input cell. DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::verbatim, output); // Finally, the action to add the output cell. std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } else if (msg_type == "latex_view") { // std::cerr << "received latex cell " << content["output"].asString() << std::endl; DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::latex_view, content["output"].get()); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } else if (msg_type == "input_form") { DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::input_form, content["output"].get()); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } else if (msg_type == "error") { std::string error = "{\\color{red}{\\begin{verbatim}" + content["output"].get() + "\\end{verbatim}}}"; if (msg_type == "fault") { error = "{\\color{red}{Kernel fault}}\\begin{small}" + error + "\\end{small}"; } // Stick an AddCell action onto the stack. We instruct the // action to add this result output cell as a child of the // corresponding input cell. DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::error, error); // Finally, the action. std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); // Position the cursor in the cell that generated the error. All other cells on // the execute queue have been cancelled by the server. std::shared_ptr actionpos = std::make_shared(parent_id, ActionPositionCursor::Position::in); docthread->queue_action(actionpos); // FIXME: iterate over all cells and set the running flag to false. } else if (msg_type == "image_png") { DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::image_png, content["output"].get()); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } else if (msg_type == "image_svg") { DataCell result(cell_id, DataCell::CellType::image_svg, content["output"].get()); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, parent_id, ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } else { std::cerr << "cadabra-client: received cell we did not expect: " << msg_type << std::endl; } } } catch (std::logic_error& ex) { // WARNING: if the server sends std::cerr << "cadabra-client: trouble processing server response: " << ex.what() << std::endl; } } // Update kernel busy indicator depending on number of running cells. if(number_of_cells_executing()>0) gui->on_kernel_runstatus(true); else gui->on_kernel_runstatus(false); gui->process_data(); } void ComputeThread::execute_interactive(uint64_t id, const std::string& code) { assert(gui_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id()); if (!connection_is_open) return; if (code.substr(0, 7) == "reset()") return restart_kernel(); nlohmann::json req, header, content; header["msg_type"] = "execute_request"; header["cell_id"] = id; header["interactive"] = true; content["code"] = code.c_str(); req["auth_token"] = authentication_token; req["header"] = header; req["content"] = content; std::ostringstream oss; oss << req << std::endl; wsclient.send(our_connection_hdl, oss.str(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); interactive_cells.insert(id); } void ComputeThread::execute_cell(DTree::iterator it) { // This absolutely has to be run on the main GUI thread. assert(gui_thread_id==std::this_thread::get_id()); if(connection_is_open==false) return; const DataCell& dc=(*it); // std::cout << "cadabra-client: ComputeThread going to execute " << dc.textbuf << std::endl; if((it->textbuf).substr(0,7)=="reset()") { restart_kernel(); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(it->id(), ActionPositionCursor::Position::next); docthread->queue_action(action); return; } // Position the cursor in the next cell so this one will not // accidentally get executed twice. std::shared_ptr actionpos = std::make_shared(it->id(), ActionPositionCursor::Position::next); docthread->queue_action(actionpos); gui->process_data(); // For a code cell, construct a server request message and then // send the cell to the server. if(it->cell_type==DataCell::CellType::python) { running_cells[dc.id()]=it; // Schedule an action to update the running status of this cell. std::shared_ptr rs_action = std::make_shared(it->id(), true); docthread->queue_action(rs_action); nlohmann::json req, header, content; header["uuid"]="none"; header["cell_id"]=dc.id().id; if(dc.id().created_by_client) header["cell_origin"]="client"; else header["cell_origin"]="server"; header["msg_type"]="execute_request"; req["auth_token"]=authentication_token; req["header"]=header; content["code"]=dc.textbuf; req["content"]=content; gui->on_kernel_runstatus(true); std::ostringstream str; str << req << std::endl; wsclient.send(our_connection_hdl, str.str(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); // NOTE: we can get a return message in on_message at any point after this, // it will come in on a different thread! } // For a LaTeX cell, immediately request a new latex output cell to be displayed. if(it->cell_type==DataCell::CellType::latex) { // Stick an AddCell action onto the stack. We instruct the // action to add this result output cell as a child of the // corresponding input cell. DataCell result(DataCell::CellType::latex_view, it->textbuf); std::shared_ptr action = std::make_shared(result, it->id(), ActionAddCell::Position::child); docthread->queue_action(action); } } int ComputeThread::number_of_cells_executing() const { return running_cells.size(); } void ComputeThread::stop() { if(connection_is_open==false) return; nlohmann::json req, header, content; header["uuid"]="none"; header["msg_type"]="execute_interrupt"; req["auth_token"]=authentication_token; req["header"]=header; std::ostringstream str; str << req << std::endl; // std::cerr << str.str() << std::endl; server_pid=0; wsclient.send(our_connection_hdl, str.str(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); all_cells_nonrunning(); } void ComputeThread::restart_kernel() { if(connection_is_open==false) return; restarting_kernel=true; // Restarting the kernel means all previously running blocks have stopped running. // Inform the GUI about this. // FIXME: set all running flags to false gui->on_kernel_runstatus(false); // std::cerr << "cadabra-client: restarting kernel" << std::endl; nlohmann::json req, header, content; header["uuid"]="none"; header["msg_type"]="exit"; header["from_server"] = true; req["auth_token"]=authentication_token; req["header"]=header; std::ostringstream str; str << req << std::endl; // std::cerr << str.str() << std::endl; wsclient.send(our_connection_hdl, str.str(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); docthread->on_interactive_output(req); } bool ComputeThread::complete(DTree::iterator it, int pos, int alternative) { if(connection_is_open==false) return false; const DataCell& dc=(*it); nlohmann::json req, header, content; header["uuid"]="none"; header["cell_id"]=dc.id().id; if(dc.id().created_by_client) header["cell_origin"]="client"; else header["cell_origin"]="server"; header["msg_type"]="complete"; req["auth_token"]=authentication_token; req["header"]=header; std::string todo = it->textbuf.substr(0,pos); // if(todo.size()>0 && todo[todo.size()-1]=='\n') // todo=todo.substr(0, todo.size()-1); // std::cerr << "to complete full: " << todo << std::endl; size_t lst=todo.find_last_of("\n(){}[]:\t "); if(lst!=std::string::npos) todo=todo.substr(lst+1); // std::cerr << "to complete strip: " << todo << std::endl; if(todo.size()==0) return false; req["string"]=todo; req["position"]=pos; req["alternative"]=alternative; std::ostringstream str; str << req << std::endl; // std::cerr << str.str() << std::endl; server_pid=0; wsclient.send(our_connection_hdl, str.str(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); return true; }